Naked model - Oxana Chic
Model rank: 51
Oxana at Clubseventeen, Nubiles, Showy Beauty, Teenpornstorage, Oxana Chic at Domai, Erotic Beauty, Errotica-archives, Goddess Nudes, Istripper, Littlecaprice-dreams, Metart, Metartx, Sexart, Straplez, The Life Erotic, Viv Thomas, Zishy, Oxana Z at Femjoy, Joymii
Oxana Chic is a nude model from Ukraine. She was born in 1999 and started her nude modeling career in 2018. She works as a cosmetician during the day but in her free time, she works as a nude model. Her biggest draw are her eyes. They are enchanting and captivating. A mystical turquoise with lighter shades in the iris. She has stunning, long black hair, and breathtaking A sized breasts that will blow your mind. Oxana is pure feminine magic.Born:1999Birthplace:UkraineHair Color:BrownBust Size:MediumMeasurements:36-24-37First Seen:2018