Naked model - Danielle Maye
Model rank: 2687
Danielle Maye at 1by-day, Apd Nudes, Atkarchives, Atkpremium, Breath-takers, Ddfbusty, Digital Desire, Erotic Beauty, Femjoy, Girlfolio, Hotlegsandfeet, Istripper, Metart, Only-opaques, Onlysilkandsatin, Onlytease, Twistys, Viv Thomas, Danni at Cosmid, Danielle at Hayleys Secrets, Nubiles, Simonscans, Teendreams, Ashlea O'Mara at Playboy
I like swimming, horse riding and modelling. My favourite past time is spending time with friends and shopping and long walks with my 2 English bull terriers. i enjoy watching comedy and true life films. My secret obsession is high heeled expensive shoes!Born:1989-04-29Birthplace:United KingdomHair Color:FairHeight:177 cm / 5ft 9insBust Size:LargeMeasurements:34C-25-36First Seen:2008