
Naked model - Artisa

Model rank: 4534

Artisa at Mpl Studios

In certain shots, the facial resemblance between Artisa and longtime Studio Girl Irina is incredible. Artisa has that same statuesque beauty, long flowing strawberry blond hair, and a great sense of where the camera is at all times. Welcome to Artisa, our newest Studio Girl!Born:1988Birthplace:RussiaHair Color:FairBust Size:SmallFirst Seen:2009

Blonde Small Boobs

Artisa in Mpl Studios set Captured Beauty
Artisa in Mpl Studios set House Of Tea
Artisa in Mpl Studios set Illumination
Artisa in Mpl Studios set Korela
Artisa in Mpl Studios set Making Tracks
Artisa in Mpl Studios set Memories Of You
Artisa in Mpl Studios set Red Berries
Artisa in Mpl Studios set Splash Of Color
Artisa in Mpl Studios set Testing Thewaters

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